Young People Tackling the Climate Emergency
In this micro-network, secondary, baccalaureate and vocational training schools are encouraged to undertake scientific research on matters relating to young people’s habits and how they can affect climate change. Based on the different topics presented each year, students come up with a research question and receive support from the expert scientific community.
Following some research, participating students propose one or two commitments to tackle climate change both at their own school and in the city of Barcelona so that they can be raised with the City Council and addressed.
There are opportunities for the students and the expert scientific community to share questions and results during the research process. The final results of the research project are presented to the expert scientific community and the other participating students before the end of the school year, in an event taking place over one morning.
- To raise students’ awareness of their own impact on climate change based on a scientific research study that can provide a starting point for them to question their lifestyle.
- To establish links with the scientific community, encouraging students to take ownership of their research.
Secondary, baccalaureate and vocational training students.
- An online information session for teachers and members of the expert scientific community.
- An online presentation for students given by members of the expert scientific community.
- Members of the expert scientific community work with students and support them in the research process.
- An online session with members of the expert scientific community.
- A presentation of the research results in an in-person session with members of the expert scientific community and a small group of students representing their school.
- A presentation of proposed improvements to municipal government representatives.
- Tailored support and monitoring in the research process from a representative of the scientific community and a More Sustainable Schools specialist.
- A kit with a guide for teachers.
- Participating teachers must attend the sessions provided.
- Coordinating students’ scientific research with the support provided by the expert scientific community and More Sustainable Schools specialists.
- Presenting the results together with a group of students from the form group and ensuring the implementation of the commitments to address climate change that have been proposed based on the results of the research.
- Collecting information and photographs to share on various communication channels.
Registration for the 2023-2024 course is currently closed.
Sessions de la formació
Primera sessió. Informació per al professorat
Una sessió virtual en què s’expliquen els detalls del procés, es donen els materials per treballar amb l'alumnat a l'aula i hi ha l'ocasió de conèixer la comunitat científica experta. En aquesta sessió s'estableixen els temes de recerca per centre.
Segona sessió. Alumnat i científiques - plantegem la recerca
És una sessió virtual en què l'alumnat coneix el representant de la comunitat científica que té assignat en funció del tema escollit pel centre i serveix com a punt de partida per començar la investigació.
Tercera sessió. Alumnat i científiques – Suport a la recerca
A més de l’acompanyament de la científica a través correu electrònic, s’ofereix aquesta sessió virtual on l'alumnat i el docent podran compartir els avanços i dificultats de la seva recerca amb la seva científica de referència.
Quarta sessió. Presentació de les recerques
Trobada presencial amb la comunitat científica experta, els representants de l’administració i part de l’alumnat dels centres educatius participants, per exposar la metodologia i els resultats de la recerca, segons la temàtica escollida.
Can Batlló, Bloc 4