The More Sustainable Barcelona Network
The More Sustainable Barcelona Network is a group of organisations and individuals committed to sustainability who are collectively building a socially and environmentally responsible Barcelona.
It is made up of citizens' organisations, business and trade organisations, schools, universities, professional associations and public administrations. Recently, individual citizens have also joined it.
The Network’s activities are geared at providing consistent, common responses to the climate emergency and the ecosocial crisis. With this aim, it promotes the implementation of sustainability actions, the exchange of good practices and the development of collaborative projects among its members.
Organisations and interested parties join the Network by signing the Citizen Commitment for a More Sustainable Barcelona. Depending on their profile, they are assisted and supported by a specific programme:
- More Sustainable Schools
- More Sustainable Entities and Companies
- More Sustainable Commerce
- More Sustainable Neighbourhoods
- More Sustainable City Council
The Citizens' Council for Sustainability is the body for citizen participation that represents the Network and influences the Barcelona City Council’s sustainability policies.