Barcelona Zero Plastic Commitment
This Commitment is the working framework for actions to reduce and eliminate single-use plastic. It is organised into five parts:
- Awareness-raising
- Reaffirmation of commitments
- Acquired commitments
- Call for action
- Projects
It is part of the series of projects aimed at reducing or eliminating single-use plastics that organisations have committed to undertake over the next twelve months. These projects reflect different lines of action:
- Promoting reusable items
- Greening
- Supply of products for users
- Reuse circuit/logistics
- Training/awareness-raising
The Commitment wants to be a driving force for change, and that’s why it aims join and bring visibility to the initiatives undertaken the city's organisations to achieve a plastic-free city. It also aims to act as a catalyst and a representative for actions and projects to reduce the use of single-use plastics in order to move towards a healthier society with a stronger commitment to the future.
For this reason, a call for action was issued to the city’s different economic and social agents, city residents and the administrations to join in with their initiatives in order to show the city’s potential while also encouraging people to join in to oppose the culture of disposable items, focusing on single-use plastics.
Joining the Barcelona Zero Plastic Commitment
Reductions in public-sector charges
Sessions realitzades

We free Barcelona from disposable plastics
The Barcelona Plastic Zero Commitment presented novelties and work done last year under the Barcelona Zero Plastic Commitment.The day was o...
Ajuntament de Barcelona. Sala Barcelona (Glòries)

A year of Barcelona Zero Plastic Commitment
After three years of work by the Zero Plastic Table and one of the elaboration of the Barcelona Zero Plastic Commitment, Barcelona City Council contin...
Ajuntament de Barcelona. Saló de Cròniques (Plaça Sant Jaume, 1)

Acte de presentació Compromís Barcelona Plàstic Zero
Amb el Compromís Barcelona Plàstic Zero, la ciutat fa un pas endavant per la reducció dels plàstics d’un sol ús i per fer front a la cultura d’usar i ...
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