Waste Prevention Plan
This micro-network is aimed at all schools that are taking action to manage their waste. This can range from breakfast packaging to the various materials used in laboratory or vocational training workshops.
This initiative goes one step further to address the issue of prevention, i.e. how to prevent this waste in the first place. The ecological footprint can be further reduced by finding ways to prevent much of the waste we generate. The initiative also looks further, beyond habits or one-off campaigns, to include student participation and critical thinking.
The Waste Prevention Plan is an educational initiative that encourages schools to reflect on waste generation and its social and environmental impacts. It is also a proposal for empowering the educational community, and students in particular, to move towards a zero-waste culture through a gradual process of changing habits and values.
- To learn about the waste generated in schools by collecting and analysing data.
- To introduce appropriate waste prevention practices suited to the circumstances of each school.
- To encourage the entire education community to participate in the Waste Prevention Plan.
- To share potentially inspiring experiences with schools and other organisations.
- To provide a contextual framework for analysing the entire life cycle of products, from raw materials to recycling or degradation.
All education levels.
The prevention plan is based on an analysis to find out how much waste is produced at school, as well as what type of waste it is, and exactly where and in which processes it is produced. This analysis is then used to identify opportunities to reduce this waste, design measures to prevent it and, finally, implement these measures and quantify the results. The continuous assessment of the plan makes it possible to keep it up to date and continue to plan improvements in line with the needs of each school. Actions and results must be reported every step of the way to create as much motivation and awareness as possible.
- Guide to waste prevention in schools
- Technical assistance and tailored support at every school
- Working and experience exchange sessions
- Suggested data collection templates for the analysis
- Waste prevention outreach materials
- Compilation of teaching resources and inspiring experiences
- Carrying out waste prevention initiatives at school
- Attending the training sessions provided
- Hosting a visit from the micro-network’s external support team
- To share experiences with other schools in the More Sustainable Schools network
Registrations for the 2024-2025 academic year are closed.
Training sessions
Primera sessió. Participació, comunitat i famílies (torn A)
AFORAMENT COMPLET. Si us interessa participar contacteu amb escolessostenibles@bcn.cat.
En aquesta sessió farem una reflexió sobre els processos de transformació dels patis des de la mirada de la sostenibilitat, el joc i la convivència.
A càrrec de: cooperativa Voltes
EBM Germanetes
Segona sessió. Aprofundim en la prevenció de residus
A través de dinàmiques de grup amenes, es continua aprofundint en la prevenció de residus dins els centres educatius posant una atenció especial en l’evolució del funcionament dels projectes de les persones assistents.
centre educatiu pendent de determinar
Tercera sessió. Intercanvi d’experiències
Aquesta sessió s’acostuma a fer en un centre educatiu de la xarxa que, com a amfitrió, explica la seva experiència. Es visiten els espais protagonistes, es ressegueixen els reptes existents i es promouen les aportacions de la resta de persones participants.
centre educatiu pendent de determinar
Quarta sessió. Avaluem per seguir millorant
Aquesta sessió s’acostuma a fer en un centre educatiu o equipament municipal, i serveix per fer una avaluació final del projecte i tractar les últimes directrius per completar els objectius abans de l’acabament del curs.
centre educatiu pendent de determinar