Transforming Mobility
Transforming Mobility is an initiative to promote sustainable mobility, improve the safety of areas schoolchildren through, learn about travelling patterns, collect information about incidents on streets, participate in a joint initiative and draw up a school mobility action plan.
Discussions of urban mobility provide a starting point to talk about the right to autonomous mobility, the occupation of public spaces, accessibility, health implications, air quality, noise, the right to rest, air pollution and more.
Participants will address the issue of safe, active and autonomous travel around schools, learn about the travel patterns of the educational community as a whole, collect information on the incidents that affect this mobility, draw up proposals for an action plan, take part in a collective data collection project and send contributions and opinions on mobility to the city government.
- To bring mobility topics into the classroom based on an understanding and quantification of mobility patterns associated with each school.
- To encourage changes towards safe, active, autonomous and sustainable mobility in relation to education and the city by drawing up a mobility action plan at school.
- To involve students and the educational community as a whole in the design and reflection needed to transition towards a more sustainable mobility model.
Students in upper primary school, secondary school, baccalaureate and vocational training.
Transforming Mobility is divided into five stages:
- Motivation: To understand the relevance of school mobility in cities and the need to transition towards a more sustainable model.
- Analysis: Studying the mobility patterns of everyone involved in school life.
- Decision: Identifying the most suitable actions and drawing up a proposed action plan.
- Taking action: Establishing how to carry out the actions agreed on.
- Assessment and commitment: Assessing the results obtained and actions taken.
- Technical and pedagogical advice, both in person and online.
- Training and exchange sessions for teachers.
- Discussions for students on the steps set out in the action plan, giving priority to the creation of joint initiatives by schools located close to each other.
- Assessment of the results of the school’s analysis and action plan.
- A support guide for teachers providing, among other elements, information, methods, educational resources and proposed activities.
- Digital resources and educational materials (SDEA) for students working on each topic.
- Recommended information sheets and templates to help organise the working groups at the various stages of the project.
- Carrying out initiatives aimed at promoting safe, active and autonomous sustainable mobility around schools.
- Using the information collected to propose and gradually carry out the measures set out in the action plan.
- Teachers must take part in both annual training meetings to share experiences.
- Arrange a support visit from a team of experts who can help the people in charge of the Transforming Mobility project at the school.
- Collecting information and photographs to share on various communication channels.
Registration for academic year 2023-2024 is currently closed.
Training sessions
Sessió introductòria
La mobilitat en l’entorn escolar és l’eix vertebral d’aquesta sessió introductòria de Transformem la mobilitat. En aquesta sessió es recullen les aspi...
La Fàbrica del Sol
Sessió de cloenda
Última sessió de curs després que tots els centres hagin rebut la diagnosi, prioritzat les accions, rebut la visita i desenvolupat les activitats per ...