More Sustainable Packaging
More Sustainable Packaging is an educational initiative that invites students to reflect on breakfast eating habits, recognising that they affect not only our own body but also our environment and everyone else’s life.
Breakfast becomes a learning opportunity for exploring aspects about the type of food we consume and how it is transported. Participants are encouraged to do research on the current food model, the resulting waste, health-related aspects, climate change, the oil used in the process, etc. This micro-network focuses on reducing the packaging used for breakfast food, promoting awareness and learning across the entire educational community, and getting everyone in this community involved in working towards a culture of zero waste and conscious consumption.
This network encourages participants to exchange experiences and collect data as a group to gain a broader view of the issue of single-use packaging in Barcelona’s schools.
- To make participants aware of the effects of breakfast at school and its impact on people’s lives and the planet.
- To encourage a reduction in breakfast packaging.
- To give participating schools resources to help with this reduction.
- To promote awareness, critical thinking, learning and engagement across the entire educational community to achieve a culture of zero waste and conscious consumption by taking action and making decisions democratically.
- To link the habit of eating breakfast to the main socio-environmental challenges and problems currently facing society.
Students at all educational stages.
- Analysis and research stage: This involves researching the breakfasts eaten at the school and establishing how much waste is generated and the consequences of this situation.
- “Time for action!” stage: This involves setting a transformation goal and deciding on the steps to achieve it.
- Assessment stage: The breakfasts eaten at the school are observed again a few months later to measure the amount of waste generated after the initiative. This is followed by an assessment of the process. The initiative concludes with a proposal for steps to continue and improve it.
- In-person and online training for teachers (online sessions, workshops, visits, etc.) and advice and support throughout the process
- A set of resources and inspiring experiences
- A short video on how to make reusable packaging
- Three methodological information sheets
- Micro-network content on Padlet
- Tailored outreach materials
- Tailored statistical processing of data
- Provision of reusable packaging
- Monitoring of the habits of the students who took part in previous editions
- Teachers must attend the relevant training sessions
- Carrying out the two analyses and submitting the information sheets by the deadline
- Designing an action plan and handing out the packaging
Registration for academic year 2023-2024 is currently closed.
The enrollments for the next academic year, 2024-2025, will open at the end of the first trimester.
More information
- Waste Prevention Actions (en català) (PDF 1.71 MB)
- The Residues in the School Curriculum (en català) (PDF 922.68 KB)
- Key ideas for the introduction of packaging (en català) (PDF 328.33 KB)
- The Issue of Lightweight Packaging (en català) (PDF 915.42 KB)
- Packaging Step by Step (en català) (PDF 798.91 KB)
Training sessions
Primera sessió formativa
Aquesta sessió serveix per explicar a què respon la necessitat de prevenir l’ús d’envasos i embalatges d’un sol ús en l’àmbit escolar, també per explicar com s’organitza la microxarxa, quines fases es treballen i com s’aborda el projecte durant el curs.
Segona sessió formativa
Aquesta sessió serveix per valorar conjuntament els resultats de la diagnosi realitzada durant el primer trimestre.
Tercera sessió formativa
Els centres que ja han participat anteriorment en la microxarxa es troben per primera vegada en aquesta sessió. L’objectiu és compartir i valorar els resultats de la primera diagnosi, així com l’evolució de l’ús dels embolcalls que es van repartir el curs passat a través de la visualització de les dades recollides i tractades prèviament.
Quarta sessió de cloenda
Un cop dut a terme el pla d’acció i recollides les dades de la segona diagnosi es fa aquesta última sessió per compartir i valorar els resultats conjuntament.
pendent de determinar