Eat Sensibly
Eat Sensibly addresses the key pillars of healthy, fair and sustainable food to work towards a food transition that leads to stronger local economies and better health for people and the planet.
This space encourages participants to reflect on the current agri-food system and learn about alternative food options in school dinners and other meals. In addition, the value of farmers and the importance of conscious food consumption are highlighted.
Changing our buying and eating habits is crucial not just for our own health but also to mitigate the effects of climate change. At present, over 50% of greenhouse gases come from processes related to the production, transformation or transport of food.
Working on these topics at school, with clear goals and motivating resources and activities, has significant power to bring about change and helps increase critical awareness of our food model, all with the aim of making the educational community more conscientious and responsible.
- To carry out actions that promote healthy, fair and sustainable food in schools.
- For schools to exchange experiences with each other and meet related players and organisations.
- To help students take a comprehensive approach to sustainable food that addresses the effects of food on health, the environment and society.
- To learn about alternatives to the current food model, make decisions about consumption and encourage students to get involved in transformation processes at school.
Early years and primary school children and students in the first stage of Compulsory Secondary Education.
It is an educational initiative for teachers, dining room staff and any other interested members of the educational community.
Important aspects such as where our food comes from; local production; the value of farmers; conscious, fair and responsible consumption; food sovereignty and the impacts of food on health, the environment and society will be covered during the school year. Alternatives to the current food model, and their benefits, will also be covered.
Participants will receive tailored support from the micro-network’s specialist team throughout the process based on the goals set in the action plan at the start of the school year. It also provides:
- A conceptual framework on healthy, fair and sustainable food.
- Training, exchange and networking sessions for both teachers and students.
- In-person or online advice throughout the year.
- Additional activities with specialist educators.
- An educational guide and an education toolkit available on loan (must be requested from the SDEA) with suggested activities, strategies and resources.
- Additional educational resources.
- Participating teachers must attend the training sessions, as well as the meeting for schools as much as possible.
- Drawing up an action plan with specific goals and an assessment of involvement, with training methods, content and structure both on an ongoing basis and at the end of the school year.
- Hosting the micro-network’s specialist team at the school for support and guidance at least once during the school year.
- Maintaining good communication with More Sustainable Schools contacts.
- Participating actively, learning and enjoying the initiatives.
Registration for academic year 23-24 is currently closed.
- Pedagogical suitcase - Eat sensibly (en català) (PDF 16.91 MB)
- Sustainability on the Plate - Project Systematization (en català) (PDF 3.51 MB)
- Educational resources for healthy, safe, and sustainable eating (en català) (PDF 3.23 MB)
- Nutrition: Informational Guide and Activity Proposals to Promote Agroecological Eating (en català) (PDF 5.35 MB)
- Report: for the right to culturally appropriate food (en català) (PDF 15.87 MB)
- Workbook: Local food for everyone (en català)
- At the Table! A Manual for introducing agroecological and local foods in schools (en català) (PDF 2.61 MB)
Training sessions
Primera Sessió. Introducció, marc i recursos. Qui som i què farem?
En aquesta primera sessió formativa s'introdueix el tema i es presenten els centres educatius participants. S’expliquen els principals objectius, els recursos disponibles i també la metodologia de funcionament.
Vil·la Urània
Segona sessió. El sistema agroalimentari. Com transformar-lo i treballar alternatives des del centre?
En aquesta sessió coneixerem experiències innovadores que hagin treballat l’alimentació sostenible i el sistema agroalimentari des de l'àmbit escolar.
pendent de determinar
Tercera sessió. El peix i marisc que mengem, origen i consum + sostenible
Des de l’alimentació sostenible també volem mirar cap al mar. La importància d'un consum més variat de peix i com treballar-ho amb els infants.
Quarta sessió: Extraordinària i oberta: "El peix al plat"
Hi ha molt desconeixement sobre el que està passant als nostres mars i és urgent prendre'n consciència per poder fer un canvi d'hàbits. En aquesta ses...
Quarta sessió. Trobada de centres: “Masterchef” saludable, just i sostenible
Trobada d’intercanvi d’experiències amb un clar objectiu de participació activa en què l’alumnat pot compartir a través de receptes de cuina molt divertides els coneixements i activitats dutes a terme durant l’any.
Cinquena sessió. Com ha anat el curs? Quins passos es plantegen de cara al futur?
Última sessió formativa on es volen presentar les experiències a partir d'una exposició i dinàmica participativa entre el professorat dels centres participants en la Microxarxa.