Escolab is the programme through which the community of ESO, Baccalaureate and Training Cycles students have the opportunity to visit dozens of laboratories in universities, research centres, hospitals and companies to establish a direct dialogue with the scientific community and experience research at first hand.
Escolab activities consist of workshops or visits that allow students to discover the great diversity of laboratories currently in existence and to experience research first-hand. Students come into direct contact with the different profiles of the people who make up a multidisciplinary research team and put into practice their knowledge of the group's line of research, the instruments and methodologies used, as well as the challenges that scientists have to face to find answers to their questions.
Escolab is an initiative of Barcelona Science and Innovation and the Scientific Culture programme of the Barcelona City Council's Institute of Education, with the invaluable collaboration of the research centres that offer the various activities and strive to bring science closer to the different levels of participating students in an understandable way.
Més informació
How does it work?
During each academic year, from October to May, Escolab offers around 200 activities with more than 10,000 places that enrich the academic content learnt in the classroom by connecting it to current science and enabling experimentation. Escolab's proposals cover practically all fields of research, as in addition to experimental sciences and technology, they also include social sciences, humanities, architecture, business innovation, journalism, early childhood education and sports science, among other areas.
Launched in 2007, the Escolab programme has been refined and improved year after year to become a highly valued initiative both for teachers and students at participating schools, as well as for researchers, who find the experience an opportunity to awaken new scientific vocations and, at the same time, to gain experience in dissemination tasks.

How to participate?
Taking part in Escolab activities is free of charge, but places are limited, and it is essential to register in advance. In order to make a reservation, it is necessary to register as a user. Registrations can be made every year from the beginning of September through Escolab's contact and management platform, which also acts as a portal for the dissemination of the activities.
Escolab Meets...
We visit several research centres in Barcelona where Escolab experiences have been carried out. Leading researchers in their field of research reveal the secrets of their work and the solutions they propose to society's problems and needs. Don't miss the videos and discover the research from the inside!