Plan for the promotion of academic stays
To encourage international mobility for learning purposes and academic stays in Barcelona, the City Council has launched a plan to revive the city's academic attractiveness after the impact of the pandemic.
Barcelona is a preferred destination for international mobility for study and research purposes, with an annual volume of 30,000 international students. For students, the Plan for the promotion of academic stays and international mobility for learning Open in a new window purposes proposes four measures: an international attraction campaign, improvements in affordable accommodation, the holding of a welcome event at the start of the academic year and the creation of an international university and research community service office in close collaboration with the Barcelona University Centre (BCU Open in a new window).
This office is the Barcelona International Welcome Desk Open in a new window, which aims to overcome one of the main difficulties encountered by the foreign student and research community, which is the complex bureaucracy involved in obtaining documentation such as residence permits and visas, among others.