Municipal Universities Advisory Council (CAMU)
A participatory organ of the different agents in Barcelona's university system and a point of reference for the City Council in the academic sphere.
CAMU is the consultative and participatory body for higher education and the university community. Through this council and other channels of collaboration with the public (UB, UAB, UPC, UPF), semi-public (UOC) and private (URL, UIC, UAO CEU and UVic) universities that carry out all or part of their activity in the city of Barcelona, the City Council guides its policy on university matters and works jointly and proactively to resolve common challenges and promote cross-cutting projects.
Working gropus
CAMU was set up in 2017 and periodically issues opinions, which always include a diagnosis and a series of proposals for improvement, the result of reflection and debate within its three working groups, which between 2018 and 2022 have focused respectively on three main areas:
Infrastructures and facilities: working group on the everyday challenges of the university community, such as affordable accommodation, sustainable transport and mobility, study rooms and sports facilities.
Education, research and employment: group working on lifelong learning and university education for the elderly, as well as on employability and the connection between higher education and the economic world.
Social transformation: group focused on equity in access to higher education, the promotion of university volunteering and service learning (APS).
Related contents
CAMU is organised through the Plenary, made up of the Presidency (which corresponds to the mayor), two Vice-Presidencies (one of them rotating, which corresponds to the public universities), representatives of all the municipal groups and of the public (rectorate, management, students and PAS/PDI), semi-public and private (rectorate) universities, as well as six experts from the professional, academic and scientific spheres.
The main student unions (AEP, AJEC and SEPC) and workers' unions (CCOO and UGT), social and neighbourhood organisations (Barcelona Youth Council, Barcelona Federation of Neighbourhood Associations, Catalan Third Social Sector Board and Barcelona Council of Associations) are also members, organisations from the productive sector (PIMEComerç, Foment del Treball, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and Barcelona Comerç Foundation), Barcelona Activa, as well as the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Inter-University Council of Catalonia. Finally, the Plenary is also made up of professionals from the municipal administration (area and district administrations) and the four people representing the City Council on the social councils of the public universities.
CAMU also has a Standing Committee (made up of the Presidency, the Vice-Presidencies, the rectors of the public universities, the representatives of the municipal groups and the six experts from the professional, academic and scientific fields) and a Secretariat, which ensure the momentum and smooth running of the council.