Joining Energies
Joining Energies is an educational initiative about energy efficiency. Over the course of two school terms, teachers will use measuring instruments to find out which devices and other items at their school contribute to energy consumption.
After attending the training, they will be able to convey the knowledge and learning acquired to their students, encouraging them to measure the electricity used at school and classroom lighting. They will also empower them to find ways to use electricity more efficiently and conscientiously.
Over the course of the two school terms, there will be two training sessions for new teachers and two for veteran teachers. The second is optional in both cases. Furthermore, teachers will receive online support, as well as an in-person visit to the school to help teach students how to enter data with the calculation tool.
- To understand what energy is, how and when it is used and the social and environmental impact of the current energy model.
- To empower the educational community by providing energy saving tools, improve comfort and encourage the use of renewable energy at school.
- To involve the school’s educational community in energy improvement initiatives.
- To convey and share experiences with the educational community both within the school and with other schools.
Students in the second, third and fourth years of compulsory secondary education.
- Motivation: Asking the question: Why do we need to join energies?
- Analysis: Asking the following questions: How much energy is used, and how and when? How do we interpret energy bills?
- Let’s get to work: Learning to reduce energy consumption.
Assessment: Assessment of the learning process.
A “basic path” with at least five activities will be proposed as the starting point to enable each school to choose whether it also wants to take part in other suggested activities.
A cross-cutting communication activity will also be suggested to enable students to share their discoveries about energy use at their school with the wider educational community. Furthermore, an energy committee will be created to share the discoveries made and suggest actions for improvement at the school.
The micro-network is designed to have a flexible structure that can be adapted to the needs of each school. Schools will be given materials, educational guides for teachers, measuring tools on loan from the SDEA and expert support throughout the project.
A meeting of energy representatives from each of the participating schools will be held at the end of the year to share experiences. -
- Participating teachers must attend the compulsory sessions and closing ceremony of the More Sustainable Schools programme for secondary schools.
- Collecting data for processing with the experts.
Registration for academic year 2023-2024 is currently closed.
More information
Training sessions
Primera sessió. Presentació "Sumem Energies"
Aquesta sessió serveix per presentar la microxarxa, els objectius que persegueix i la metodologia que se seguirà durant els mesos següents.
Segona sessió. Lectura de factures d'electricitat
En aquesta sessió s’aborda el glossari relacionat amb temes energètics, així com la lectura i comprensió de les factures d’electricitat que ens arriben al centre o a la llar.
Tercera sessió. Eficiència energètica
En aquesta sessió s’aborden els conceptes relacionats amb l’eficiència energètica al centre i a la llar. S’aprofundirà pel que fa a les eines i els mètodes que poden ser útils per fer més eficient el consum elèctric, i així reduir el consum d’electricitat.
Edifici TO (Metro Maresme i Fòrum)
Quarta sessió: Eficiència energètica
En aquesta sessió s’aborden els conceptes relacionats amb l’eficiència energètica al centre i a la llar. S’aprofundirà pel que fa a les eines i els mè...
Edifici TO (metro El Maresme | Fòrum)