Action for the Climate
Action for the Climate is an educational initiative focussing on our carbon footprint. During two school terms, teachers can find out which aspects of their school are contributing to climate change and how to calculate their impact using a digital tool.
After the course, they can share what they have learned with their students, encouraging them to calculate their school’s contribution to climate change and giving them the tools they need to actively reduce their impact on their environment.
Three training sessions, of which the second is optional, are provided over these two terms. Furthermore, participants receive online technical and pedagogical support, as well as an in person visit to the school to help teach students how to enter data with the calculation tool.
- To learn about the characteristics and context of climate change and provide classroom resources.
- To empower schools by giving them a diagnostic tool they can use to examine their carbon footprint and the extent to which they have adapted to the planet’s new situation.
- To take a stand in the fight against emissions through mitigation and resilience initiatives.
Students in the first and second years of Compulsory Secondary Education.
- Motivation: Teaching students and teachers more about climate change and how it affects the city of Barcelona.
- Analysis: Identifying the various factors involved in order to establish the degree of schools’ contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the extent to which they have adapted to the effects of climate change.
- Decision: Introducing the measurement tool to assess the extent to which the school contributes to GHG emissions and assess the extent to which it has adapted to the effects of climate change.
- Let’s get to work: Carrying out measurements, collecting and analysing the results, and then comparing them with the predictions made at the analysis stage to confirm or disprove the original hypotheses.
- Assessment and commitment: Sharing the lessons learned and assessing the project.
- Technical and pedagogical advice, both in person and online. Training for teachers (online sessions, workshops, visits, etc.) and exchange sessions with other schools.
- Access to an exchange forum to help schools work together to share experiences, facilitate contact between teachers and students, and provide answers to questions and enquiries.
- A support guide with information, methods, resources and activities, among other features.
- Digital resources for students working on different topics.
- Participating teachers must attend two annual training events.
- Collecting information and photographs to share on various communication channels.
Registration for academic year 23-24 is currently closed.
Training sessions
Primera sessió: Comencem
Durant la primera sessió, la persona experta que condueix l’Actuem pel clima, introdueix els continguts de la microxarxa i la metodologia de treball d...
Vil•la Urània
Segona sessió: Descobrim l’eina
Durant aquesta segona sessió es mostra al professorat com pot fer servir l’eina de càlcul de la petjada de carboni. Tot i ser una sessió optativa, es ...
Tercera sessió: Avaluem els resultats
En aquesta última sessió es valoren i comparteixen els resultats de cada centre i s'avalua la microxarxa per tal de detectar possibles millores....
La Fàbrica del Sol