I-CHANGE (Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition) is a European project covering a unique set of interconnected and strategically distributed climate and environmental issues across a wide range of socio-economic and cultural contexts.
Through co-designed and customised strategies, citizens learn about the science of climate change and environmental risks, learning how to reduce their own impact and ecological footprint. The project involves 16 partners from Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Great Britain, Slovakia, Israel, and Burkina Faso. It consists of eight Living Labs, one of which is in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. This is the Barcelona Living Lab on Extreme Events, which focuses on improving adaptation to extreme temperatures, heavy rainfall and floods, as well as on pollution measurement and analysis. In this way, it integrates mitigation and adaptation.
It is a participatory and co-creative project based on citizen involvement. It involves public administration, business, academia, media, and society in general. Citizens can participate in workshops and activities, as well as research fairs. Emphasises participation through schools. It uses different citizen science tools: the Floodup application, SCK pollution stations (smart citizen kits) and meteorological stations (meteotrackers).
State: active.
Involvement of citizens: co-creation.
Scope: climate change, along the lines of the European Green Challenge.
Activities in the framework of the Office: Programme in schools and Science Festival.