Contents 111
DossierBuilding the metropolis
![Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Un joc de puzzle de peces quadrades desendreçades. El puzzle és un mapa de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona amb els noms d'algunes de les poblacions.](
New economic, social and environmental issues cannot be addressed solely at a municipal level. It is time to consider a new model of institutional integration that enables metropolitan...
![Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Una ciutat al centre de la imatge voltada de catifes. Una persona desplega cada catifa en l'extrem més allunyat de la ciutat.](
Most of the world’s population is urban, and cities are where all the tensions and challenges of the 21st century are expressed today. With a new municipalism, we can lay claim to the...
![Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Una persona llança una xarxa de pescar. La xarxa és un mapa de ciutats.](
The governance of metropolitan areas is a recurring issue on the political agenda. There is no single formula since each city has its peculiarities due to historic and political...
![Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues persones es troben assegudes en uns balancins, cadascuna sobre un precipici. Entre les dues persones es veu un pont que aquestes dues persones estan teixint.](
One of the essential questions with which cities like Barcelona are currently grappling is how can we combine economic success in global terms with local prosperity and social...
![Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Un laberint amb dues portes. En la del mig de la imatge, hi ha dues dones, una a cada banda de la porta. A la part inferior esquerra de la imatge, hi ha un home mirant el terra.](
The last economic crisis had serious repercussions in terms of social cohesion and, for over a decade, Barcelona has been endeavouring to overcome the worst ramifications of that...
![Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Una carretera circular tancada com una pista de tren d'un joc infantil. Per l'interior hi passeja un home i un cotxe cap per avall. El tub d'escapament treu fum que alhora sembla que dibuixi un núvol.](
From the beginning, the ring roads defined a new urban reality that confirmed Barcelona’s change of scale, its transformation from a city to a ...
![Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues dones a l'interior d'un laberint fet de vegetació. Cadascuna es troba en un punt que no veu a l'altra i cadascuna talla les plantes amb un talla gespa.](
The trend towards the residential segregation of social groups is materialising, to varying degrees, in every town and city, ours too. The matter of socio-spatial inequalities...
![Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Quatre columnes amb capitells d'estil jònic de diferents alçades amb escales entre la part superior d'uns i altres. Sobre les columnes i en les escales diverses persones es miren, saluden o caminen.](
Far from everyday use, the current consumption of urban space is eliminating the political functions and collective identity functions traditionals in public space. The...
![Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues vies de tranvia paral·leles es creuen en una bifurcació en el centre de la imatge. En l'extrem esquerre es veu un tranvia.](
The creation of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area marked a positive yet insufficient change in the governance of metropolitan mobility. We are facing a complex situation in which...
Other contents
![Retrat de Joan Margarit © Camilla de Maffei](
Joan Margarit
Joan Margarit is travelling through old age with a complete published oeuvre that grows as he writes new poems and books such as Per tenir casa cal guanyar la guerra [To Have a...
![Patrullatge de la Guàrdia Urbana a la Plaça del Pedró al Raval © Pere Virgili](
The significant rise in minor offences in Barcelona highlights a series of circumstances that have affected security: globalisation, the 2017 terrorist attack, the pro-independence...
![Patrullatge de la Guàrdia Urbana a la Plaça del Pedró al Raval © Pere Virgili](
Barcelona residents rate safety in the city with a score of 6.2 and give high marks to the police force, according to the latest victimisation survey. Victims of crimes have risen almost...
![Patrullatge de la Guàrdia Urbana a la Plaça del Pedró al Raval © Pere Virgili](
Objective insecurity is related to the criminal phenomena that affect the population, while subjective insecurity concerns citizens’ opinions on matters such as the level of security in...
![Una dona penja una pancarta al balcó de casa seva en la qual es llegeix: banca estafa engaña © Pere Virgili](
“All housing is political” asserted David Madden on his recent visit to Barcelona to present his book In Defense of Housing, co-authored with Peter Marcuse. Madden believes that...
![Vista panoràmica de Barcelona des de la Sagrada Família © Vicente Zambrano](
This text studies two international cultural phenomena. The first is Rosalía, with her origins in the Taller de Músics and ESMUC. The second is the intersection and differences between...
![Llibres oberts © Vicente Zambrano](
We have asked Barcelona authors who write in Catalan and/or in Spanish whether they believe that the Barcelona in novels differs at all if one language or the other is used...
![Views of the antiaircraft batteries of the Turó de la Rovira © Pepe Navarro](
Authors like Marsé and Casavella have given deep thought to the influence of names. For different reasons, both have signed their works with acquired Catalan surnames and have...
![Un carrer del Raval © Consuelo Bautista](
If we take a look back, we may realise that a novel about Barcelona offers two ways of seeing the city. The one put forward by Spanish-language authors is based on a more...
![L'Eixample de Barcelona © Pepe Navarro](
Barcelona’s geometric structure marks out the scenarios of its literature, occasionally facing a suffocating and distressing interior, and in other instances facing margins that...
![La cantant Rosalía © Berta Pfirsich](
Rosalía studied in the classrooms in the Taller de Músics, as well as on the patio, and in the street, with artists, teachers and students. She was always sure about what she wanted to...
![Retrat de José Miguel Vizcaya, Chiqui de la Línea © Albert Armengol](
Rosalía followed the trail of the teacher and cantaor [flamenco singer] Chiqui de la Línea to the Catalonia School of Music (ESMUC), where El mal querer, her graduate...
![El mal querer, Rosalía. Sony Music, 2018.](
El mal querer, Rosalía’s second album, is an epic story full of sonic turbulence and minor artistic challenges. Based on alternative imagery, Rosalía proposes a mix of soulful...
![Retrat de Marta Marín-Dòmine © Albert Armengol](
Marta Marín-Dòmine
Do we come from where we were born, where we live or where our ancestors came from? These are the questions that Marta Marín-Dòmine explores in Fugir era el més bell que teníem...
![Il·lustració d'uns micos en un parc vestits com científics © Ana Yael Zareceansky](
Similar: we see the little hands and little fingers (oh, the defining opposable thumb) and they seem so human. Then we look them in the eyes and the familiarity is complete. When we look...
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