Retrat de Lluís Cabrera

Musician and writer

Lluís Cabrera Sánchez is president of the Taller de Músics foundation, which he also founded in 1979. 

He is the author of the books Catalunya serà impura o no serà [Catalonia Will Be Impure or It Won’t Be] (Marco, 2010) and Els altres andalusos [The Other Andalusians] (L’Esfera dels Llibres, 2005), and the co-author of Fabricar l’immigrant [Manufacturing the Immigrant] (Pagès, 2009).

Articles by Lluís Cabrera

La cantant Rosalía © Berta Pfirsich
Rosalía in the Plaça del Dubte

Rosalía studied in the classrooms in the Taller de Músics, as well as on the patio, and in the street, with artists, teachers and students. She was always sure about what she wanted to...

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