Rehearsal session of Ràdio Barcelona’s radio drama group in 1962. © Arxiu Fotogràfic de Ràdio Barcelona - Cadena SER
They were there too

In 2024, we commemorate the centenary of the birth of Spain’s first radio station, Ràdio Barcelona. Many women have played significant roles in this illustrious history, striving...

An establishment in La Dreta de l'Eixample, its signage in English, mixes languages deliberately. © Frederic Camallonga
A city void of language?

As the new century unfolds, the capital of Catalonia finds itself noticeably shedding the most defining aspect of its identity: its language. Increasingly ousted from public...

Image of a composer robot generated through the Midjourney AI system.
Disruptive technologies, intellectual property and image rights

Disruptive technologies are a driver of change and progress in today’s society, but they also pose significant legal challenges in the realm of intellectual property, image...

The rhythms of 31 FAM draw on music from beyond the usual realms of influence. ​© Nil Ventura
Models, values ​​and contradictions in new generations' music

In the music of their era, every generation has found a vehicle for passing on values, lifestyles and collective aspirations. Lately, some of the most popular music genres have...

Audience at the 2010 Sónar festival. © Vicente Zambrano
Thirty years of BAM and Sónar: two festival models, a common driving force for culture

Festivals have become the ultimate popular spectacle of our times. They have built themselves from scratch in just three decades. In Barcelona, we have gone from a tentative and...

©Teo Peiró
Cultural audiences, are they passive spectators?

The crisis of cultural audiences has made audiences a highly prized asset. Managers are striving to win them over, and some audiences are even calling for their role to be...

Noia llegint a Wattpad
Wattpad: Another way to read

The Wattpad phenomenon has revolutionised the publishing world. Young women writers are making it big on this platform, first online and then in bookshops. Their books, covering a...

Recorregut amb pilotes gegants creat per l’artista Albert Gusi en col·laboració amb el Centre Cívic de Navas i l’Associació de Memòria Històrica del barri. © Albert Gusi
Redesigning the city’s cultural fabric

In 2021, Barcelona City Council adopted a Cultural Rights Plan designed to strengthen social cohesion through the recognition of the right to cultural practices, and to promote...

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