
Specialising in entertainment law, notably in the music, audiovisual and visual arts industries. 

He works as a consultant in conjunction with the Croma-Copyrait law firm, specialising in technology and digital projects, and as an expert lecturer in copyright law, specifically in the music, photography, design and audiovisual fields. He is a lecturer at the International Music Business School and in the master’s programmes at the Conservatori Liceu de Barcelona, the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC), Elisava, SHIFTA and Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull. He has taught at Esade, the Pompeu Fabra University and the Berklee College of Music.

Articles by Enric Enrich

Image of a composer robot generated through the Midjourney AI system.
Disruptive technologies, intellectual property and image rights

Disruptive technologies are a driver of change and progress in today’s society, but they also pose significant legal challenges in the realm of intellectual property, image...

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