Rehearsal session of Ràdio Barcelona’s radio drama group in 1962. © Arxiu Fotogràfic de Ràdio Barcelona - Cadena SER
They were there too

In 2024, we commemorate the centenary of the birth of Spain’s first radio station, Ràdio Barcelona. Many women have played significant roles in this illustrious history, striving...

Enric Juliana, photographed in Madrid. © Anabel Abril
Understanding Madrid to grasp Spanish politics

España, el pacto y la furia [Spain, the Pact and the Fury] (Arpa, 2024), a book spanning just over 600 pages, distils the key elements of twenty years...

Jeff Wall, "After 'Invisible Man' by Ralph Ellison, the Prologue" (1999-2001). © Jeff Wall Studio
Jeff Wall. The hallucinatory suspension of the moment

The Virreina Centre de la Imatge hosts the largest retrospective of the Canadian artist Jeff Wall ever held in Spain, showcasing 36 pieces representing 40 years of his career....

Upward view of the skyscrapers in the 22@ district. © Imatges Barcelona / Laura Piqué
Architecture: Serving Society or the Market?

Barcelona holds a rich tradition of hosting major international events that have indelibly shaped its physical, mental and emotional landscapes. The upcoming event, following the...

"Darrere les persianes" © Ajuntament de Barcelona
Lesbian Barcelona in comic strips

The drawing depicts a corner of Avinguda del Paral·lel where two women share a kiss with the Teatre Arnau in the background, imbued with the essence of the title, Darrere les...

An establishment in La Dreta de l'Eixample, its signage in English, mixes languages deliberately. © Frederic Camallonga
A city void of language?

As the new century unfolds, the capital of Catalonia finds itself noticeably shedding the most defining aspect of its identity: its language. Increasingly ousted from public...

Open book
Barcelona, as seen by Picasso

Here was “where it all began… Where I realised my potential”, Picasso confessed about Barcelona, the city he arrived in aboard a freighter called the Cabo Roca in 1895. Departing...

Timothy Garton Ash at the presentation of his book at the Cercle d'Economia in Barcelona, November 2023. © Cercle d’Economia, Lucía Meler
The Europe that never was

Timothy Garton Ash is an unconventional Briton who viewed Brexit as both a personal and collective failure. He is deeply enamoured with the continent, having started exploring it...

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