Retrat de Jordi Amat

Philologist, literary critic and essayist

Jordi Amat is a specialist in the Catalan and Spanish cultures of the 20th and 21st centuries, writes in both Catalan and Spanish. He usually contributes to La Vanguardia. 

He has published books such as Largo proceso, amargo sueño. Cultura y política en la Cataluña contemporánea [Long Process, Bitter Dream: Culture and Politics in Contemporary Catalonia] (Tusquets, 2018) and La confabulació dels irresponsables/La conjura de los irresponsables [The Conspiracy of the Irresponsible] (Anagrama, 2017).

Articles by Jordi Amat

Llibre: Muñoz Ramonet. Retrat d’un home sense imatge, Manuel Risques (ed.)
The prince of the black market

Julio Muñoz Ramonet, the invisible prince of the black market, left his palace on Carrer de Muntaner to the city of Barcelona, along with the extraordinary collection of art that hung...

Llibre: Periodisme malgrat tot, Jaume Fabre
Grey journalism

Fabre is one the journalists who best knows his city. He wrote a splendid doctoral thesis on 1939 Barcelona and played a decisive role in safeguarding the memory of his guild. His new...

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