
Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allEurope and the Virus of the Past

At the end of 2019, I finished my novel Time Shelter, which was supposed to be a near dystopia...

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allDemocracy: A triple fracture

The far right does not hold a monopoly on attacks against democracy. In fact, this phenomenon arises in a...

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allCultural apocalypse

There is a debate within the left that I find not only intellectually misleading but also politically...

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allFemale chauvinism and the myth of the queen bee

A highly notable phenomenon today is the rise of right-wing women to power. From Marine Le Pen in France to...

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allThe Enlightenment does not get nostalgia

For decades, we’ve been enveloped in a general sense of pessimism, partly as a result of postmodern...

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allProductive bodies: The return of Taylorism

When we discuss health, we tend to talk about it as the opposite of sickness. Ultimately, what determines...

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allWater access and the unfulfilled promise of democracy

Water is a cornerstone of democratic life; and yet universal water access remains quietly incomplete or is...

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allExhuming memory

As part of the Exhumar la memoria [Exhuming Memory] project, a team of archaeologists is attempting to locate...

© Miquel Muñoz
"You’ll find far more people who can talk knowledgeably about football than about polítics"

John Carlin

When we sit down at the table, I can’t help but think that the man in front of me has interviewed both Nelson Mandela and Lionel Messi. It’s impressive. “The Messi interview was...

© Ferran Forné
“I don’t want women to feel they have to change their bodies to get work; I refuse to accept that”

Clara Segura

We are at the Library of Catalonia, beneath the impressive 15th-century arches and surrounded by a striking series of theatre posters. Among these stones, Clara Segura has...

The City of Solidarity

Economic and social inequalities are rising both globally and locally. To address this, Barcelona has seen a number of initiatives aimed at achieving global justice, where individuals,...

Amnesia-Memory installation by Francesc Torres, honouring thirteen guerrilla fighters. © MACBA Collection. On loan from the Generalitat Government of Catalonia. National Photography Collection.
“Pulling back the curtain” on the official Francoist history

This is not a conventional catalogue. In addition to reviewing the works in the exhibition Un altre fi. La resta. Art i antifranquisme [Another End. The Remainder. Art and...


The city in images, seen through the eyes of a photographer.

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  • Marc Javierre-Kohan

    (Born in Barcelona, 1973). Photojournalist and documentary photographer. 


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Barcelona Districte Cultural - Escena

Arts en viu. Més de 230 funcions de teatre i circ i espectacles de música i dansa de lliure accés en 34 escenaris repartits per la ciutat.

From 09/10/2024 to 21/12/2024
Als centres cívics, al Casal Font d'en Fargues, Centre Sant Pere i Lluïsos d'Horta

The singularity of ‘Common Objects’

Exhibitions. Common objects. Local stories, global discussions.

Permanent event
Disseny Hub Barcelona

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N132 - Oct 24
N131 - Jul 24
N130 - Apr 24
N129 - Jan 24

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