
A sociologist and politician, Bertossi is the director of the Institut pour la démocratie. He lives and works in Paris. 

His notable works include Les mots et les choses de l’immigration en France [The Words and Things of Immigration in France] (Trocadéro, 2022); Nativisme. Ceux qui sont nés quelque part… et qui veulent en exclure les autres [Nativism. Those Who Were Born Somewhere… and Who Want to Exclude Others] (Les petits matins, 2021), co-authored with Jan Willem Duyvendak and Aurélien Taché; La citoyenneté à la française [Citizenship à la Française] (CNRS, 2016) and European States and their Muslim Citizens (Cambridge University Press, 2013), co-authored with John Bowen, Jan Willem Duyvendak and Lena Mona Krook.

Last Update: September 13, 2024

Articles by Christophe Bertossi

Illustration ©Octavi Serra
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