Captura de pantalla de la pàgina Barcelona Dades
The Barcelona Datastore portal

On 12 February, the new Barcelona Datastore portal went live, offering a tool to analyse and understand the city. It was launched against the backdrop of society’s rapid...

Portal Barcelona Dades
Insights into Barcelona Datastore

A sea of information

The portal Barcelona Datastore features an enormous amount of records, approaching 20 million, partly inherited from the websites it replaces...

Enric Juliana, photographed in Madrid. © Anabel Abril
Understanding Madrid to grasp Spanish politics

España, el pacto y la furia [Spain, the Pact and the Fury] (Arpa, 2024), a book spanning just over 600 pages, distils the key elements of twenty years...

© Claudia Frontino
“Every university should have the autonomy to decide where to focus its strategy”

Laia de Nadal

It’s coffee time, and a laid-back atmosphere permeates the Plaça de la Mercè. However, at number 10, there’s a buzz of activity. Laia de Nadal, the rector of Pompeu Fabra...

Timothy Garton Ash at the presentation of his book at the Cercle d'Economia in Barcelona, November 2023. © Cercle d’Economia, Lucía Meler
The Europe that never was

Timothy Garton Ash is an unconventional Briton who viewed Brexit as both a personal and collective failure. He is deeply enamoured with the continent, having started exploring it...

Gent passejant pel carrer Pi i Maragall. ©Laura Guerrero
What are the people of Barcelona like, how do they live and what do they think?

Barcelona is experiencing growth (1.3% in the last year), driven by immigration (31% of registered residents born abroad, representing 177 nationalities), and its inhabitants are...

Roses de Foc de Barcelona
Barcelona, a rebellious and insubordinate city

In recent years, the notion has increasingly taken hold that the repeated and violent explosion of social conflict in 19th- and early 20th-century Barcelona had made the city...

Illustration © Romualdo Faura
The impacts of artificial intelligenceEthical, responsible artificial intelligence for the common good

When artificial intelligence is used in scenarios that impact millions of people, governance challenges and ethical dilemmas arise. How can we be sure that algorithmic decisions...

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