© Àlex Rademakers
“As authors, the only thing we can do is try not to be lazy”

Blanca Llum Vidal

The books by Blanca Llum Vidal (Barcelona, 1986) serve as a natural amalgamation of interests, readings and idiosyncrasies. Her love and relationships, admiration for authors...

© Claudia Frontino
“Every university should have the autonomy to decide where to focus its strategy”

Laia de Nadal

It’s coffee time, and a laid-back atmosphere permeates the Plaça de la Mercè. However, at number 10, there’s a buzz of activity. Laia de Nadal, the rector of Pompeu Fabra...

© Eugènia Güell
“A museum should have the capacity to stimulate political and social discourse through its content”

Imma Prieto

Imma Prieto (Vilafranca del Penedès, 1975) has embarked on her role as head of the Fundació Tàpies much like when she was appointed director of Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i...

© Albert Armengol
“The left has many believers, but few practitioners”

Francesc Escribano

Francesc Escribano is a journalist with the soul of an anthropologist. In his youth, he grappled with choosing between these two professions, and over time, he has merged the...

© Miguel Ángel Chazo / Sitges Film Festival
“Every time I begin a project, I also embark on a journey”

J. A. Bayona

This interview took some time to come together, and that’s not surprising. J. A. Bayona is a prolific filmmaker, possibly the most renowned Catalan director on the world scene....

©Enrique Marco
“As an artist, I believe the true worth lies in the piece I have yet to create”

Jaume Plensa

Jaume Plensa receives us on a Friday morning in his studio. The interview unfolds in one of the workspaces, where there are various enigmatic faces of women with closed eyes, in...

 © Manuel Medir
“Giving in to technology is making the writer’s craft expendable”

Enrique Vila-Matas

Enrique Vila-Matas (Barcelona, 1949) has created a literary universe of his own. His writing captures and universalises, through subjectivity, the troubled air of his time. This...

© Eva Parey
“Being caught by surprise is the most wonderful thing, in theatre and in life”

Emma Vilarasau

Two days after Lali Symon premiered at the Romea theatre, as part of the latest Grec Festival, Emma Vilarasau arrives in the theatre’s foyer before locking herself in...

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