“To create new things you have to remove yourself from what you are doing”

Oriol Broggi

The theatre production company La Perla 29 has celebrated two decades of existence in full swing, with new challenges and great performances. In recent years, Oriol Broggi has...

Portrait of Maruja Torres. ​© Javier Barbancho
“People who are confident make me wary of them”

Maruja Torres

Maruja Torres arrives at our interview on foot with the aid (more mental than physical) of a wooden walking stick. She says that walking is good for her, and she counts her steps...

Retrat de Francesc Serés © Nikolaus Brade
“During the procés we played with fire and we got burned”

Francesc Serés

Francesc Serés connects remotely from Berlin to answer questions from Barcelona Metròpolis. The writer has been living there for a year, shortly after resigning as head...

“The artist must re-enchant, because we live in a disenchanted world”

Eugènia Balcells

A multifaceted artist, Eugènia Balcells (Barcelona, 1943) never stops. A pioneer of multimedia art and a member of the Catalan group of conceptual artists, driven by a boundless...

“My generation broke with tradition so that dance would cease to be so elitist”

Àngels Margarit

Àngels Margarit (Terrassa, 1960) is an internationally renowned dancer, choreographer and instructor who has lent her artistic experience to the direction of the Tensdansa festival in...

“Sometimes I think the best work is handwritten”

Enric Casasses

Poetry permeates Enric Casasses’ entire oeuvre. Having passed the age of seventy and with a succession of books and prizes, the poet talks about his published work and the work that has...

Retrat d'Antoni Vila Casas © Flaminia Pelazzi
“The spirit of patronage has been very much lost, and that saddens me”

Antoni Vila Casas

Antoni Vila Casas (Barcelona, 1930) has long donated part of his fortune to philanthropic projects. The foundation he set up has two directions: in the social-health-related...

Retrat de Carla Simón. © Ferran Forné
“I think that the fear of death is what brings me to make films”

Carla Simón

In Estiu 1993 (Summer 1993), Carla Simón fictionalised her experience of being adopted by her aunt and uncle when she was six years old, following the death of her parents from...

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