Art critic

(Inca, 1983). A cultural journalist, specialising in visual arts, she has been contributing to various publications since 2001. In addition, she has served as curator and coordinator for exhibitions and cultural initiatives.

She maintains regular collaborations with museum institutions. Noteworthy among her projects is the curation of Volaverunt. Els gravats de Goya [Volaverunt: Goya’s Engravings] at Ca l’Arenas Centre d’Art, Museu de Mataró, and Contra Arranz-Bravo [Against Arranz-Bravo] at the Arranz-Bravo Foundation. One of her significant coordination projects involves the process of transforming the “casas baratas” [affordable houses or housing units] in the Bon Pastor neighbourhood into a museum or exhibition space – a project supported by the Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA).

© of the portrait: Sira Juan

Articles by Aina Mercader

©Enrique Marco
“As an artist, I believe the true worth lies in the piece I have yet to create”

Jaume Plensa

Jaume Plensa receives us on a Friday morning in his studio. The interview unfolds in one of the workspaces, where there are various enigmatic faces of women with closed eyes, in...

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