Retrat d'Andreu Gomila

Cultural journalist

Andreu Gomila (Palma, 1977) is a poet, novelist, literary and theatre critic, and cultural journalist specialised in the performing arts. He directed the weekly magazine Time Out Barcelona from 2010 to 2017 and currently contributes to the digital publication El Temps de les Arts, and the newspapers La Vanguardia and Ara.

He has published five books of poetry, namely, Un dia a l’infern dels que són [A Day in the Hell of Those Who Exist], Diari de Buenos Aires [Buenos Aires Diary], Aquí i ara [Here and Now], Carrer dels dies [The Days’ Street] and Felanitx. His works also include two novels (El port. No serà res de mi [The Port. It Won’t Be Anything from Me] and Continents), the musical essay Putos himnes generacionals [Damned Generational Anthems] and the literary essay Un món esbucat. Joan Alcover i Mallorca [A Toppled World. Joan Alcover and Mallorca]. His poems have been translated into Spanish, French, Romanian, Hungarian and Serbo-Croat. As an editor, he has published Barcelona: títol provisional [Barcelona: Provisional Title].

Articles by Andreu Gomila

“To create new things you have to remove yourself from what you are doing”

Oriol Broggi

The theatre production company La Perla 29 has celebrated two decades of existence in full swing, with new challenges and great performances. In recent years, Oriol Broggi has...

Retrat de Julio Manrique. © Clara Soler Chopo
“If you are original, all the better. But, above all, you need to be personal”

Julio Manrique

He is the most decorated theatre director in Catalonia today and the one capable of bringing together the most people in a room. The secret to his appeal lies in his enthusiastic,...

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