Retrat de Mara Dierssen. © Álex Losada
“There are no neurobiological reasons for discrimination”

Mara Dierssen

Mara Dierssen is a neurobiologist and one of the country’s major communicators of popular science. She studies the human brain, and, more specifically, learning, memory and what...

Retrat d'Elvira Dyangani Ose. © Álex Losada
“We must take responsibility for changing so that the world changes too”

Elvira Dyangani Ose

Photographers claim that some people make the camera fall in love. If that’s true, Elvira Dyangani Ose is one of those people. Those in high-ranking positions do not usually...

Retrat de Carme Pinós © Martí Petit
‘Most architects are not the elite or complicit in property speculation’

Carme Pinós

Carme Pinós is a truly trail-blazing architect. In 1991, she founded her own practice in a field where women were the exception, and after countless obstacles and plenty of perseverance...

Retrat de Clàudia Cedó. © Paula Jaume Sánchez
‘The ones learning the most aren’t the actors with a disability, but rather the audience’

Clàudia Cedó

Clàudia Cedó’s (Banyoles, 1983) relationship with the city of Barcelona can be traced by mapping out the theatres where her plays have been premièred. This playwright, director and...

Retrat de Teresa Cabré. © Álex Losada
“Languages that are in a bell jar do not evolve”

Teresa Cabré

The linguist and philologist Maria Teresa Cabré i Castellví (L’Argentera, 1947) was elected president of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans [IEC, Institute for Catalan Studies] in June 2021...

Retrat de Cesc Gelabert. © Álex Losada
“Dancing is inhabiting the body with emotion and the mind”

Cesc Gelabert

At 68, Cesc Gelabert still dances and boasts the same impeccable figure he had when he began to move on the Barcelona scene in the 1970s. He would have liked to be the shaman of the...

Retrat de Mónica Rikić © Mariona Gil Sala
“We can decide a lot more things about technology than what we are led to believe”

Mónica Rikić

When we hear the word ‘coder’, a young engineer swaying dangerously close to sociopathy comes to mind, obsessed with becoming the new Mark Zuckerberg. Mónica Rikić (Barcelona, 1986), new...

Retrat de Vicenç Viaplana. © Mariona Gil
“We can no longer be sure of what we’re seeing”

Vicenç Viaplana

Never had so much work been exhibited and so much at the same time by the artist Vicenç Viaplana (Granollers, 1955). A truly free soul, advocate and researcher of painting, this spring...

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