Retrat de Maria Palau


Journalist specialising in visual arts. She has been the editor of the culture section in the newspaper El Punt Avui for almost two decades. She covers issues related to art, architecture, design and cultural policy.

A member of the Catalan Association of Art Critics (ACCA), she has won the GAC [Catalan Art Galleries] and ACCA awards for art criticism.

Last Update: June 4, 2024

Articles by Maria Palau

Upward view of the skyscrapers in the 22@ district. © Imatges Barcelona / Laura Piqué
Una arquitectura al servei de la societat, o del mercat?

Barcelona és una ciutat amb una llarga tradició de grans esdeveniments de mirada internacional que han deixat marques fondes i permanents en el seu paisatge físic, mental i...

Upward view of the skyscrapers in the 22@ district. © Imatges Barcelona / Laura Piqué
Architecture: Serving Society or the Market?

Barcelona holds a rich tradition of hosting major international events that have indelibly shaped its physical, mental and emotional landscapes. The upcoming event, following the...

Upward view of the skyscrapers in the 22@ district. © Imatges Barcelona / Laura Piqué
¿Una arquitectura al servicio de la sociedad, o del mercado?

Barcelona es una ciudad con una larga tradición de grandes eventos de alcance internacional que han dejado marcas profundas y permanentes en su paisaje físico, mental y emocional. La...

Retrat d'Antoni Vila Casas © Flaminia Pelazzi
“The spirit of patronage has been very much lost, and that saddens me”

Antoni Vila Casas

Antoni Vila Casas (Barcelona, 1930) has long donated part of his fortune to philanthropic projects. The foundation he set up has two directions: in the social-health-related...

Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona © Eva Parey
A new boost for contemporary art

The circuit of public amenities dedicated to promoting the visual arts in Barcelona has widened and has been given renewed impetus with generational changes in their management. Santa...

Una exposició a La Virreina. © Vicente Zambrano
Hits and misses. The state of photography in Barcelona

Barcelona’s cultural scene cannot be understood without photography. The link stretches way back and has reached the 21st century with renewed vigour. The city can boast of...

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