Science writer

He holds a degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona. For seven years, he led the science supplement of the newspaper Ara and has contributed to media outlets such as Catalunya Ràdio and TV2. 

He is the co-director of the postgraduate programme in Science Communication at the University of Vic and the co-founder and director of the scientific communication agency Eduscopi. From 2013 to 2019, he curated the traveling exhibition L’Àrtic es trenca, produced by CosmoCaixa. He is the author of On el dia dorm amb els ulls oberts (Where the Day Sleeps with Open Eyes) (Empúries, 2011), which received the Godó Journalism Prize and the Prisma Prize for the best book of dissemination published in Spain. He is also the author of the scientific novel Si un dit assenyala la lluna (If a Finger Points to the Moon) (Anagrama, 2021). In addition, he has written El meu nom és Univers (My Name is Universe) (Actar, 2022), exploring the relationship between art and science, and Jordi Sabater Pi: L’últim naturalista (Jordi Sabater Pi: The Last Naturalist) (Barcelona City Council and Edicions UB, 2023), the first book about the Catalan primatologist based on the correspondence he maintained during the 30 years he lived in Africa.

Last Update: June 4, 2024

Articles by Toni Pou

© Claudia Frontino
“Cada universitat hauria de tenir l’autonomia de decidir on enfoca la seva estratègia”

Laia de Nadal

És l’hora del cafè i a la plaça de la Mercè s’hi respira un ambient mandrós. Al número 10, però, l’activitat no s’atura. La rectora de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Laia de Nadal...

© Claudia Frontino
“Every university should have the autonomy to decide where to focus its strategy”

Laia de Nadal

It’s coffee time, and a laid-back atmosphere permeates the Plaça de la Mercè. However, at number 10, there’s a buzz of activity. Laia de Nadal, the rector of Pompeu Fabra...

© Claudia Frontino
“Cada universidad debería tener la autonomía de decidir dónde enfoca su estrategia”

Laia de Nadal

Es la hora del café y en la plaza de la Mercè se respira un ambiente perezoso. Sin embargo, en el número 10 la actividad no se detiene. La rectora de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra...

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