
(Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà, 1980). Journalist and performing arts specialist.

For over a decade, she was the head of the Culture section at the newspaper Ara. Since 2022, she has been overseeing the Language department. She has contributed to various media outlets, including El 9 Nou, betevé, Catalunya Ràdio, TV3 and La Xarxa. In addition, she has worked with Time Out Barcelona and El 9 TV.

Last Update: July 24, 2024

Articles by Laura Serra

© Ferran Forné
“I don’t want women to feel they have to change their bodies to get work; I refuse to accept that”

Clara Segura

We are at the Library of Catalonia, beneath the impressive 15th-century arches and surrounded by a striking series of theatre posters. Among these stones, Clara Segura has...

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