Blanca Llum Vidal
The books by Blanca Llum Vidal (Barcelona, 1986) serve as a natural amalgamation of interests, readings and idiosyncrasies. Her love and relationships, admiration for authors...
Vicenç Viaplana
Never had so much work been exhibited and so much at the same time by the artist Vicenç Viaplana (Granollers, 1955). A truly free soul, advocate and researcher of painting, this spring...
When her friends started getting into the habit of splitting taxis to get home, for the first time she thought that she’d have to give up the night bus.
The debut novel by young Pol Beckmann (Barcelona, 1991), that has received the Llibreter 2019 award in the category of other literatures, is a multi-faceted literary game.
Els límits del Quim Porta, a book by Josep Perals, is bound to disturb and hypnotise. The whole book breathes poetry, lyrical sonority, ideas, constant revelation of language,...