Retrat de Marta Marín-Dòmine


Catalan and Canadian writer, director of artistic projects and translator. Professor of Spanish peninsular literature at Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada), where she has also directed the Center for Memory and Testimony Studies. She has made documentaries, an installation and a short film in relation to the recovery of memory. 

In 2019, she published Fugir era el més bell que teníem [Fleeing Was the Most Beautiful Thing We Had] (Club Editor), which received several awards, including the City of Barcelona Essay Award 2019.

Articles by Marta Marín-Dòmine

Moment de la inauguració del parapet de les executades i executats a Barcelona 1939-1952. © Kathrin Golda-Pongratz
Contemporary Barcelona’s memorial spaces

A monument to pay tribute to the refugees who make it to Barcelona; graffiti that alludes to the most neglected neighbourhoods; a plaque laid in the pavement that reminds us that this is...

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