Il·lustració © Riki Blanco
Towards a new food modelOne Planet, One Health – Connected through Biodiversity

The coronavirus health emergency has made us see that the planet’s health and our health are inseparable. We must deglobalise the food system that is driving climate change, species...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workHybrid, flexible and spread out: the space of the future

Workspaces are rapidly changing on account of the pandemic. There is no doubt that coronavirus has been an agent of change that has generated a new social and economic paradigm. However...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workThe ecology of work: a new labour paradigm

Labour law should pave the way for work to be directed towards the production of wealth that supports human needs and desires. And in this search for meaning, which endeavours to...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workEffects of the transformation of work

At a time of shortage of work, an individualistic approach that focuses the management of what is public on private interests leads us to compete for existing jobs and to blame...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workThe insides of the digital economy: between new Taylorism and social discipline

Digital Taylorism changes the production processes (with data as raw material) and the forms of labour exploitation driven by digital capitalism. But we must break with the...


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