Retrat de Joan Safont Plumed


(Mataró, 1984). Journalist and writer, with a Degree in Law, a Master’s in Journalism, and a doctorate in Human Sciences, Heritage and Culture. Cultural and gastronomic chronicler at VilaWeb, he has collaborated with media such as El Temps, L’Avenç, Crític, Revista de Catalunya, TV3 and RAC1. 

He coordinated La Llança, the cultural supplement of Has published several books on journalism, history and culture of the 20th century. These includes Per França i Anglaterra. La Primera Guerra Mundial dels aliadòfils catalans [For France and England. The First World War of the Catalan Allies] (A Contra Vent, 2012), Sabotatge contra Franco [Sabotage against Franco] (Angle, 2017) and Greuges i desgreuges [Grievances and Disappointments] (Ara Llibres, 2018). His latest book is L’estiu passat. Una geografia de les vacances d’artistes i escriptors dels Països Catalans [Last Summer. A Geography of the Holidays of Artists and Writers from the Catalan-speaking Territories] (Comanegra, 2023).

Last Update: March 30, 2024

Articles by Joan Safont Plumed

Chef Jordi Vilà accompanied by the head chefs of Alkimia, Cristina Beired and Marcos Valyi. © Joan Pujol Creus for the Alkimia restaurant
The legacy of Ferran Adrià. Is Barcelona a culinary capital?

On 28 November, at a gala hosted in Barcelona, the restaurant Disfrutar, established by Eduard Xatruch, Oriol Castro and Mateu Casañas, achieved the prestigious three Michelin...

Retrat de Teresa Cabré. © Álex Losada
“Languages that are in a bell jar do not evolve”

Teresa Cabré

The linguist and philologist Maria Teresa Cabré i Castellví (L’Argentera, 1947) was elected president of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans [IEC, Institute for Catalan Studies] in June 2021...

Llibre: Joan Perucho i les edicions pop. L’aventura de Tàber, Julià Guillamon. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2020
Joan Perucho, the pop editor

Perucho the pop editor is who is described in Joan Perucho i les edicions pop. L’aventura de Tàber [Joan Perucho and Pop Editions. Tàber’s Adventure]. This book, published by...

Retrat de Laura Huerga al seu despatx. © Clara Soler Chopo
“Us independent publishers bring diversity”

Laura Huerga

The publisher Laura Huerga (Barcelona, 1978) is an unusual case on the Catalan literary scene. With professional beginnings far removed from the cultural world, it was her reading habits...

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