On 28 November, at a gala hosted in Barcelona, the restaurant Disfrutar, established by Eduard Xatruch, Oriol Castro and Mateu Casañas, achieved the prestigious three Michelin...
The industrialised agri-food system is unsustainable. The very agents promoting this model are beginning to look for ways to avert its collapse. Gleaning that avoids food waste...
Since the mid-20th century, agriculture has undergone more transformations than in the last ten thousand years. It has gone from being a common good to becoming a commodity. Intensive...
Although sufficient food is produced to meet the needs of the entire population, inequalities in food access mean that one third of what is produced is wasted while people are...
Agri-food systems underpinned by the principles of ecological farming continue to grow far and wide across the planet, and 186 countries already implement regulated organic...
The growth of cities is paving over nature, encroaching on farmland and stoning agriculture. If, as numerous studies show, urbanisation processes are becoming less and less...
We live in a world shaped by food; a place the author calls sitopia, or ‘food-place’. By valuing food and giving communities control over their land, we could see a totally new...
Today’s food system – the way we produce, process, distribute, sell and consume food and manage its waste – spawns disease, inequality and poverty, and harms the ecological base of the...
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