Retrat de Bernat Puigtobella

Publisher of Núvol

Bernat Puigtobella is publisher of Núvol.

Last Update: March, 2022

Articles by Bernat Puigtobella

Mural amb el text "Revolution on off" al Passeig de la Vall d'Hebrón. © Carlota Serarols
Winning on merit

The pandemic has taken its toll on the cultural sector, especially in areas that require in-person audiences, like theatre and music. Artists have had no choice but to apply for grants...

Llibres exposats a una de les parades de la plaça Reial amb motiu de la diada de Sant Jordi del 2021. © Mònica Moreno
The futures of the book. Where is the publishing market going?

Things are looking promising for the publishing sector right now. The pandemic, which has broadly been catastrophic for the cultural sector, has generated an unexpected recovery for...

Núria Guiu durant un moment de l’actuació a l’espectacle Likes al Teatre Lliure. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Laura Guerrero
The art of dissent: the price of freedom

Today we wonder whether dissent can still be exercised in a culture subsidised and domesticated by the official discourse of institutions. Is it feasible today to think of artistic...

© Ajuntament de Barcelona / Paola de Grenet
Cultural poverty

There is a major challenge that is at risk of being overshadowed by climate change or gender equality: that of poverty and hunger. We shall discuss green culture or feminist culture,...

Performance “Speculative Intimacy. Afectes i tecnologia digital”, dins la Biennal de Pensament del 2019. Moment de l'actuació amb una dona estirada al llit comandant un petit dron. © Xavier Torrent
Technological humanism

Barcelona is furnished with the conditions and the talents to become a benchmark for technological humanism. At a time when the European model for the ethics of algorithms, citizens’...

Espectacle de dansa i acrobàcies agafades pel cabell de Laura & Francesca al Castell de Montjuïc, dins del MAC Festival de la Mercè 2020. © Manel Sala
Culture is (not) safe

During the long months of the pandemic we’ve had enough of claiming and asserting that culture is safe. We have reduced venue capacity, we have adapted schedules to curfews, we have...

Dues de les il·lustradores del projecte del mural reivindicatiu feminista de la Model pinten una de les parts pujades a una bastida. © Martí Petit
To the rescue of culture

Culture has been one of the sectors hit hardest by the pandemic. Artists have learned a painful lesson from this crisis at first hand, which is that you cannot create when you are...

Cavallet de mar fet amb materials reciclats. © Curro Palacios
Ecological limits and limits of science

Climate change is the major political, social and cultural challenge of our time, but it also constitutes a major challenge for science and technology. The City and Science Biennial,...

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