Retrat de Bernat Puigtobella

Publisher of Núvol

Bernat Puigtobella is publisher of Núvol.

Last Update: March, 2022

Articles by Bernat Puigtobella

Vista panoràmica de Barcelona des de la Sagrada Família © Vicente Zambrano
International explosion

This text studies two international cultural phenomena. The first is Rosalía, with her origins in the Taller de Músics and ESMUC. The second is the intersection and differences between...

Llibres oberts © Vicente Zambrano
Between languages and literatures

We have asked Barcelona authors who write in Catalan and/or in Spanish whether they believe that the Barcelona in novels differs at all if one language or the other is used...

Persones mirant uns quadres en una exposició © Vicente Zambrano
Cultural vulnerability

Cultural workers live in a lamentable state of job insecurity, as we can see from the debate that opens this Culture Folder. The arts actually help us to recognise ourselves in our...

Precarious employment and the generation gap in culture

The 2008 crisis was devastating for culture. Cutbacks left many projects without funding and public services had to reduce or freeze hiring. Precarious employment in the sector...

Personas alrededor de una parada de libros en la calle
Copyright and freedom of expression in the Internet Age

The European Union has tabled a new directive on copyright to harmonize different aspects of the European digital market. 

Battles won and yet to win

We live in turbulent times, and culture is not immune to the upheaval caused by the change of era in which we find ourselves. 

Retrat de Joan Anton Benach © Pere Virgili
Thirty years of “Barcelona Metròpolis”

Joan Anton Benach, the magazine’s founding editor

Joan-Anton Benach (Vilafranca del Penedès, 1936) was the founding editor of the magazine, whose original name was Barcelona. Metròpolis Mediterrània. It was founded in...


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