CategoryUrban visions

Rental prices in Barcelona have changed direction, breaking a two-year cycle of consistent increases. During this period, prices rose steadily, reaching an average of €1,200 per...

Federico García Lorca once said that the essence of “great, eternal and incorruptible” Barcelona was found in Ciutat Vella. Specifically, on La Rambla, which he described as...

Imagine New York City without the Statue of Liberty, Copenhagen without The Little Mermaid, Guangzhou without the Canton Tower, St. Mark’s Square in Venice submerged, Easter...

The MACBA’s expansion and the relocation of the CAP Raval Nord health centre to the former chapel of La Misericòrdia come with plans for redesigning the Plaça dels Àngels square...

An excavator now dominates the site. In one corner of the plot, which was a market for decades and has served as a car park for years, just a few metres from the zoo, a sign sums...

The term “blue economy” goes beyond nautical activities and their associated industry. The concept also encompasses fishing, tourism and hospitality, as well as the movement of...

The Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA) commemorates 80 years of igniting a fascination for contemporary Barcelona, expanding its reach to various locations within the municipal...

One of the main concerns of our textile sector today, led by fast fashion, is the amount of waste it produces. Overproduction and overconsumption of garments, which are worn six...
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