Virtual image of the Hermitage Barcelona Museum design.© Hermitage Barcelona Museum.
A Hermitage Museum in Barcelona?

In recent years, the possibility of a Hermitage Museum franchise has been considered in a location in the Port of Barcelona, to permanently install part of the Russian collection in our...

Vista des del mar de Barcelona amb la plaça de la Rosa dels Vents, l'Hotel W i una part de la platja de Sant Sebastià, en primer pla, i Montjuïc i el World Trade Center, al fons. © Hemav. Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Hermitage, the museum project rattling the Barceloneta neighbourhood

The possible arrival of the Hermitage Museum to the port of Barcelona is met with scepticism and discord in the Barceloneta neighbourhood. While some believe it will mark an opportunity...

Houses on the street Carrer de la Font Florida, in the Barcelona neighborhood of Font de la Guatlla. © Arianna Giménez
Who does the reversal of a public land designation affect? The cases of Satalia and Font de la Guatlla

Classed as green areas by the General Metropolitan Plan, the small neighbourhoods of Satalia and Font de la Guatlla have long lived under the threat of expropriation and demolition. In...

Patrullatge de la Guàrdia Urbana a la Plaça del Pedró al Raval © Pere Virgili
Understanding problems, thinking about policies, promoting security

The significant rise in minor offences in Barcelona highlights a series of circumstances that have affected security: globalisation, the 2017 terrorist attack, the pro-independence...

Patrullatge de la Guàrdia Urbana a la Plaça del Pedró al Raval © Pere Virgili
Subjective insecurities

Objective insecurity is related to the criminal phenomena that affect the population, while subjective insecurity concerns citizens’ opinions on matters such as the level of security in...

Patrullatge de la Guàrdia Urbana a la Plaça del Pedró al Raval © Pere Virgili
Barcelona in numbers: crimes, victims and safety

Barcelona residents rate safety in the city with a score of 6.2 and give high marks to the police force, according to the latest victimisation survey. Victims of crimes have risen almost...

Un home resa en un oratori islàmic © Eva Parey
Coexistence, yes; mosque…, no?

The opening of an Islamic prayer hall in Carrer del Japó, in the Prosperitat neighbourhood, has been fraught with tension because of the residents’ opposition to this centre. Management...

Barcelona’s ring roads and some of the major highways connecting with Catalonia’s northern regions come together at the interchange of La Trinitat.
Barcelona, urban borders

There are an infinite number of borders in Barcelona. Social borders, that separate our ways of life and the possibilities they have to offer (the ‘Upper Diagonal’ concept, the Paral·lel...

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