© Ajuntament de Barcelona / Martí Petit
The biggest challenge

When the pandemic broke out, the municipal government administration became mindful of the complexity of the emergency and took on a two-fold challenge: keep all services running and...

Vista parcial del litoral de Barcelona. © Vicente Zambrano González
Barcelona Green Deal: Roadmap for the city’s economic recovery

Barcelona is a global city immersed in urban transformation processes linked to economic competitiveness, social equality, environmental sustainability and public health, factors already...

Imatge de la proposta Caminar des del centre de b67 Palomeras Arquitectes i Cierto Estudio.
The Eixample is a Process

The Cerdà Plan for Barcelona’s Eixample has witnessed multiple interventions since the outset of its execution. This variability, typical of plans or architectures designed with flexible...

Moment de la inauguració del parapet de les executades i executats a Barcelona 1939-1952. © Kathrin Golda-Pongratz
Contemporary Barcelona’s memorial spaces

A monument to pay tribute to the refugees who make it to Barcelona; graffiti that alludes to the most neglected neighbourhoods; a plaque laid in the pavement that reminds us that this is...

Plaques solars als terrats de Barcelona © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Equip d’audiovisuals
A first step towards energy sovereignty

The public company Barcelona Energia is gaining momentum in the new map of alternative operators with support, competitive rates and energy awareness, although it is still far from...

Vista general de la sortida de Barcelona per la Meridiana, amb el barri de Vallbona a la dreta del pont, i Ciutat Meridiana i Torre Baró a l’esquerra.
Where the city earns all its names

In Linde, a photographic project by Myriam Meloni and Arnau Bach, we see the Barcelona behind the ring roads. The Barcelona of the Rec Comtal irrigation canal and the old Ribes...

© Paola de Grenet
The Land Use Plan for Ciutat Vella: Protecting community life

Since 1992, different Land Use Plans have been implemented in Ciutat Vella to regulate economic activities and urban planning licences. The most recent one, approved in 2017, places an...

El passatge de Madoz l'any 1980, amb el bar Vivancos a l’esquerra, actualment el restaurant Les Quinze Nits. © José Antonio Sancho
The rise, fall and revival of the Plaça Reial

Few places in Barcelona have been as dynamic and as changing, as central and at the same time as hidden, as the Plaça Reial. It started out as a brothel, to later become a convent and,...

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