Illustration © Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityFacilitating parenthood

Barcelona has one of the lowest fertility rates globally, yet boasts one of the highest life expectancies. This reality carries profound demographic, social and economic...

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityEnergy crisis and vulnerability

Low-income households are those most affected by the rising prices of basic utilities and are also those with the fewest tools to help them cope with the situation. The measures that...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careThe ethics and economics of care

Increases in life expectancy, changes in reproductive trends and the evolution of the family structure have intensified demand for care here in Catalonia, and a response is required. We...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careThe social economy: a tool for transformation

The social economy is made up of organisations whose economic and business activity puts people and purpose before capital. This system materialises as democratic, transparent,...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careFrom the superblock to the Vila Veïna: towards a social city model

The Vila Veïna municipal initiative was created with a view to building environments where care takes place as part of a community, rather than individually. Vila Veïna acts as a step...

Il·lustració. © Maria Contreras Coll
The city of careThe ethics of care

Everyone has the right to be cared for and everyone has a duty to care. Care has become a basic need that must be covered not just by the family, but also by public policies. The Covid-...

Un agent de la Guàrdia Urbana aplaudeix els paradistes del Mercat d’Hostafrancs, que també li estan fent un reconeixement. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Isaac Planella
How can we deal with a complex emergency?

The health and social emergency triggered by the COVID-19 crisis has represented a major challenge for municipal government administration in Barcelona. The City Council’s experience of...

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