The City of Solidarity

Oriol Pàmies, texts / Carles Javierre Kohan, infographics

Economic and social inequalities are rising both globally and locally. To address this, Barcelona has seen a number of initiatives aimed at achieving global justice, where individuals, communities, identities, generations, ethnicities and organisations can live in peace, enjoy equal rights and have their basic needs met. Both public bodies and citizens, through NGOs, are working towards this goal.


High level of implementation

Municipal investment in international cooperation has consistently achieved a high level of implementation in recent years, exceeding 90%. Most of this investment is channelled through the annual grant programme for NGOs and organisations. All initiatives align with the goals and objectives outlined in the Global Justice Cooperation Master Plan.

Friendship with Ukraine

Following the Russian invasion in February 2022, Barcelona began assisting Kyiv’s municipal services. Initially, this involved providing fire engines, generators and medical and rescue equipment. Since October, a stable humanitarian bridge has been established with a formal collaboration and friendship agreement between the two cities.

The priority destinations

The fifth four-year international cooperation plan directs Barcelona City Council’s resources towards four key areas of global justice and five strategic focus areas around which cooperation programmes are structured. These programmes are largely implemented in conjunction with other administrations and organisations. The priority regions are the Mediterranean and the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, South America and other conflict zones.

Actions in the Global South and at home

The first three strategic focus areas primarily target actions in countries of the Global South, whereas the remaining two focus on local initiatives within Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain and the European Union. All focus areas may also include actions within transnational, regional or global processes, addressing various dimensions of global justice, such as economic, social, gender or environmental issues.

Working from the bottom up

NGOs play a crucial role in cooperation and development thanks to their on-the-ground knowledge, extensive networks, agility and experience. Alongside them, cooperatives, trade unions, universities, research centres, businesses and other actors also contribute significantly.

Towards an inclusive Barcelona

Public policies and community efforts come together in the pursuit of social justice through the Acord Ciutadà per una Barcelona Inclusiva [Citizen Agreement for an Inclusive Barcelona], a forum established in 2005. This forum encompasses 859 organisations addressing various issues including disability, homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, immigration, women and families, among others.

The reality of homelessness

There are at least 4,838 homeless individuals in Barcelona, according to the latest estimates from Arrels: 1,384 people sleep on the streets, 2,803 are accommodated in public and private resources in the city and 605 are in informal settlements, such as unused land and buildings. The lack of housing is just one of the social emergencies that need addressing.

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