Retrat de Bàrbara Pons Giner

Architect and PhD in Urban Planning

Architect, PhD in Urban Planning and Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. Specialising in sustainable urban development, cities and climate change, she has pursued her professional career in the private sector and in public administration.

She has been a speaker at numerous conferences and seminars, and a lecturer at several national and international universities, including George Washington University. Between 2014 and 2016, she coordinated research on sustainable urbanism for the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative. She currently works in the City Promotion Department at Barcelona City Council and is an associate professor at Pompeu Fabra University.

Articles by Bàrbara Pons Giner

Vista parcial del litoral de Barcelona. © Vicente Zambrano González
Barcelona Green Deal: Roadmap for the city’s economic recovery

Barcelona is a global city immersed in urban transformation processes linked to economic competitiveness, social equality, environmental sustainability and public health, factors already...

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