Retrat de Kathrin Golda-Pongratz

Doctor of architecture and urban planner

Professor at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and the ETSAV-UPC [Vallès School of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia]. 

She has carried out research on urban memory, urban planning and architecture in Latin America, urban renewal strategies and place-making. Director of the documentary Ciudad Infinita – Voces de El Ermitaño [Infinite City – Voices from the Neighbourhood of El Ermitaño] (2018), about the memory of a self-built neighbourhood in Lima (Peru).

Articles by Kathrin Golda-Pongratz

Moment de la inauguració del parapet de les executades i executats a Barcelona 1939-1952. © Kathrin Golda-Pongratz
Contemporary Barcelona’s memorial spaces

A monument to pay tribute to the refugees who make it to Barcelona; graffiti that alludes to the most neglected neighbourhoods; a plaque laid in the pavement that reminds us that this is...

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