Two young people chat while eating at one of the available tables on the Clariana de les Glòries lawn. © Images Barcelona / Àlex Losada
School, family and social networks. Who is educating our children?

Education is a collective endeavour; we all play a role in shaping the minds of children, serving as their unwitting role models. The responsibility for a child’s education is a...

The rhythms of 31 FAM draw on music from beyond the usual realms of influence. ​© Nil Ventura
Models, values ​​and contradictions in new generations' music

In the music of their era, every generation has found a vehicle for passing on values, lifestyles and collective aspirations. Lately, some of the most popular music genres have...

Interior of Atlas Muhba
Two thousand years of Barcelona on the map

The Atles MUHBA d’història de Barcelona [MUHBA Atlas of Barcelona History], published by Barcelona City Council and the Museu d’Història de Barcelona (MUHBA) – an institution...

Co(AI)xistenceis a video installation by Justine Emard with Mirai Moriyama & Alter, developed by the lshiguro Lab at Osaka University and the Ikegami Lab at the University of Tokyo. © Justine Emard / Adagp, París 2018
Living with AI

Under the banner of artificial intelligence, the world is being reconstructed on the basis of neurons, memories, imagination and thoughts, but also chips, databases,...

© Byung-Chul Han
The political contradictions of contemplative life

All the books by the philosopher Byung-Chul Han call for a return of negativity: instead of excessive transparency, secrecy; instead of an aesthetic of smoothness, roughness;...

Cancel culture: A threat to freedom of expression?

Spurred on by social media, cancel culture is gaining ground. In its name, works, opinions and even people are cancelled. Its advocates contend that it is a way of giving a voice...

Audience at the 2010 Sónar festival. © Vicente Zambrano
Thirty years of BAM and Sónar: two festival models, a common driving force for culture

Festivals have become the ultimate popular spectacle of our times. They have built themselves from scratch in just three decades. In Barcelona, we have gone from a tentative and...

The 3D digital space allows visitors to explore each and every one of the construction phases of the monastery grounds. © Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes. 2019
The Monastery of Pedralbes, as never seen before

The exhibition Rere els murs del monestir. Set-cents anys d’una història en femení [Behind the Monastery Walls. Seven Hundred Years of a Female History] allows us to...

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