Computer engineer

He directs the digital communication company Mortensen and lectures in Audiovisual Communication at Pompeu Fabra University. 

He has experience in human-computer interaction, having worked with companies such as IBM, Deutsche Bank and Gotomedia. Ganyet collaborates with TV3 and contributes articles to La VanguardiaVIA EmpresaCavall Fort and Sàpiens on topics related to technology and the digital economy. He is a member of ISOC (Internet Society) and a founding member of AIPO (Association of Human-Computer Interaction). In 1988, he created his first blog, narrating adventures in old Catalan as his alter ego – a medieval knight in the United States. Ganyet has also authored books, including Interacció persona-ordinador [Person-Computer Interaction] (UOC, 2000) and La democràcia mor al núvol [Democracy Dies in the Cloud] (La Magrana, 2023).

Last Update: June 4, 2024

Articles by Josep Maria Ganyet

Randi Williams visited Barcelona to participate in the STEAMConf Barcelona 2024. Among other topics, she discussed how to democratise access to artificial intelligence through education. © Santiago Sepúlveda
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