As the new century unfolds, the capital of Catalonia finds itself noticeably shedding the most defining aspect of its identity: its language. Increasingly ousted from public...
Pau Vidal
Philologist and language advocate
He has written novels, short stories and several language-focused books such as En perill d’extinció. 100 paraules per salvar [In Danger of Extinction: 100 Words to Save], El catanyol es cura [Catanyol – Catalanised borrowings from Castilian – Heals], Manual del conflicte [Conflict Manual] and Corregir mata [Correction Kills].
He has also authored sociolinguistic essays that include El bilingüisme mata [Bilingualism Kills] and linguistic empowerment manuals such as Nivell Ç [Level Ç]. Active in both radio and television language segments (TV3, Catalunya Ràdio, RAC1, COM Ràdio, betevé…), as well as in opinion columns in VilaWeb. His latest publication is 100 mots curiosos del català [100 Intriguing Catalan Words].
Picture: © Jordi Borràs
Last Update: March 30, 2024
Articles by Pau Vidal
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