Inauguració del Festival Grec 2021 al Teatre Grec de Montjuïc. © Laura Guerrero
Summer in Barcelona is equated with the Festival Grec

Summer is the time for festivals, street art and beach concerts. For street festivals and outdoor activities. In Barcelona, the summer performing arts scene has a name that calls...

Retrat de 31 FAM. © Arxiu DELIRICS
The urban music, a generational scream

In recent years, Barcelona and its wider metropolitan area have hosted and witnessed a predominantly young, stylistically evolving movement that has captured generational concerns and...

Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona © Eva Parey
A new boost for contemporary art

The circuit of public amenities dedicated to promoting the visual arts in Barcelona has widened and has been given renewed impetus with generational changes in their management. Santa...

La cantant Rosalía © Berta Pfirsich
Rosalía in the Plaça del Dubte

Rosalía studied in the classrooms in the Taller de Músics, as well as on the patio, and in the street, with artists, teachers and students. She was always sure about what she wanted to...

Retrat de José Miguel Vizcaya, Chiqui de la Línea © Albert Armengol
Chiqui de la Línea: maestro de ‘cantaores’

Rosalía followed the trail of the teacher and cantaor [flamenco singer] Chiqui de la Línea to the Catalonia School of Music (ESMUC), where El mal querer, her graduate...

El mal querer, Rosalía. Sony Music, 2018.
Rosalía, the sultana of a new pop under construction

El mal querer, Rosalía’s second album, is an epic story full of sonic turbulence and minor artistic challenges. Based on alternative imagery, Rosalía proposes a mix of soulful...

Dada web
How to turn the creative market around block by block

Blockchain fans highlight that we may be witnessing the start of a new infrastructure which will revolutionise the relations between small and large agents, traditional and new, in many...

Sound technician working on an open air session at Sònar Festival
Deconstructing Music

Music is like water that slips through your fingers: just what is the nature of this ephemeral thing, held to be the most abstract and universal language? 


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