Portrait of Llucia Ramis


(Palma, 1977). She made her debut as a novelist in 2008 with Coses que et passen a Barcelona quan tens trenta anys [Things That Happen to You in Barcelona When You Are Thirty] (Columna/Barrett). Her second book, Egosurfing (Destino), won the 2010 Josep Pla Prize. She is also the author of Tot allò que una tarda morí amb les bicicletes [Everything That Died One Afternoon with the Bicycles] (Columna/Libros del Asteroide), and Les possessions [Possessions], which won the Llibres Anagrama 2018 and El Setè Cel de Salt prizes.

Illustrated by Gabriel Salvadó, El petit menjatemps [The Little Time-eater] is a story she wrote at the age of 15, republished by La Galera. At Bruguera, she published 50 llibres que m’han canviat la vida [Fifty Books that Have Changed My Life], illustrated by Julio Fuentes. Various anthologies also feature her tales and short stories. She won the Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel Prize, awarded by Obra Cultural Balear, the Time Out Prize for Best Creator in 2013, and the Gaudí Gresol Prize for Excellence for her literary career. She currently contributes to La Vanguardia as a cultural commentator and columnist, as well as to programmes on Rac1, Catalunya Ràdio and TV3.


Portrait: ©Marta Calvo

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