Retrat de Carme Tierz

Cultural journalist

With a Degree in Journalism from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, she has pursued her career in the field of cultural journalism. She has been the director of the specialised magazines TeatreBCN and Hamlet, among others, and a columnist, editor and critic in media outlets such as El Periódico and Time Out BCN.

She is co-author of the book Barcelona, ciutat de teatres [Barcelona, City of Theatres] and contributes to the Enciclopèdia de les Arts Escèniques Catalanes [Encyclopaedia of Catalan Performing Arts] (EAEC). Currently, she is the artistic director of the RBLS Youth Theatre Festival and coordinator of the “Connexions” and “+Escena” projects of the Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB)’s Department of Culture and Education.

Articles by Carme Tierz

Inauguració del Festival Grec 2021 al Teatre Grec de Montjuïc. © Laura Guerrero
Summer in Barcelona is equated with the Festival Grec

Summer is the time for festivals, street art and beach concerts. For street festivals and outdoor activities. In Barcelona, the summer performing arts scene has a name that calls...

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